The Undertaker Name-Dropped During Latest Episode Of Marvel’s Secret Invasion [SPOILER]

The Undertaker

The Undertaker has always had superheroic capabilites, but when you get actual superheroes referencing him, The Deadman has certainly done something right.

WARNING: Spoilers For Marvel’s “Secret Invasion” lie ahead – if you don’t want your naivety to “Rest In Peace” wait to read!

The Undertaker (and in turn WWE) are officially canon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the WWE Hall of Famer was referenced in a distinct way on the new Disney Plus series, “Secret Invasion.”

Famed actors Don Cheadle and Samuel L. Jackson star in “Secret Invasion” as they reprise their respective roles of War Machine and Nick Fury. Cheadle delivers a line regarding Jackson’s Fury, stating the following:

“I fired Fury, okay? No, I’m sorry, correction, I DDT’d that dude from the top rope. Yeah, it was like Undertaker level. It was really impressive.”

Although Undertaker isn’t quite notorious for DDTing his foes off the top turnbuckle, he does walk the rope in his “Old School” attack so the reference can make sense in our universe too.

The Undertaker Joins Other Wrestlers In The Marvel Movie World

Obviously the biggest wrestler to make his presence known in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Batista as he plays Drax The Destroyer of the Guardians Of The Galaxy. Now it appears that Seth Rollins will make his mark in the MCU upcoming in the new Captian America film.

Additionally, while not apart of the canon, Randy Savage had his brush with the late Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in the first Spider-Man movie back in 2002. Savage memorably played Bonesaw, a pro wrestler who the then Spider-Man, Tobey Macguire, fought in the ring to earn a little extra cash. The previous Punisher, Tom Jane, also had to duke it out with Kevin Nash back in 2004.

H/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.