WWE Hall Of Famer Believes Hulk Hogan’s In-Ring Skills Deserve More Credit

WWE Hall Of Famer Believes Hulk Hogan's In-Ring Skills Deserve More Credit

Ted DiBiase believes that Hulk Hogan deserves more credit for his work bell to bell.

Despite WrestleMania 40 being a few months away, if you asked a non-wrestling fan to name a wrestler there is a good chance that they will say the man who headlined the first Mania and still is one of the most well-known wrestlers nearly 4 decades on. While best known for donning the red and yellow, being an inspiration to millions and dropping the leg on his foes, fellow Hall of Famer DiBiase believes that there is one aspect of Hogan’s career that often gets overlooked.

While answering a Q and A on Everybody’s Got A Pod, The Million Dollar Man was asked if he could defend the WWE Championship against anyone at WrestleMania who would it be? Dibiase picked Hogan and stated that while The Hulkster was not a technical master, he knew how to get his character over and how to tell a story:

“One of the obvious choices would be [Hulk] Hogan because Hogan was the guy,” DiBiase said. “I don’t think Hogan gets enough credit. People say, ‘Well, he really wasn’t a great wrestler.’ ‘Okay. He wasn’t a great wrestler in terms of hammerlocks and wristlocks and all this other stuff, leg sweeps, and what have you. But what Hogan was very good at was understanding who his character was.

DiBiase continued, describing how Hogan would take a formidable foe such as Andre The Giant and make him look like a legitimate threat:

“Here’s this great, big guy, kind of like André the Giant. André the Giant was great because André the Giant could go in the ring and, in a very believable way, get into a place where the people actually thought he was in danger of losing. You know what I’m saying? … It’s all about the way you tell the story.”

Hulk Hogan Movie Is Delayed Indefinitely

Wrestling fans around the world were excited when it was first reported that a biopic about the legendary wrestler was in the works with Marvel megastar Chris Hemsworth cast as the lead. However, months passed and there still was no update on a release date or even a trailer. In a new interview, Hulk Hogan confirmed that the project had been shelved due to a business glitch.

Never having an official retirement match in WWE, Hulk Hogan also stated that there were plans at WrestleMania 25 for him to wrestle John Cena.

H/t to Wrestling Inc.