The Undertaker Reveals The End Of The Streak Was Decided The Day Of WrestleMania 30

Brock Lesnar Beats The Undertaker WrestleMania 30

The Undertaker is a legend of the squared circle, and that legend was only enhanced by ‘The Streak.’

On 21 occasions The Undertaker stepped into the ring at WrestleMania, and every single time he walked out with the win. He overcame stars such as Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Edge and Jake Roberts. However, despite many fans believing that ‘The Streak’ should never be broken, Brock Lesnar shocked the world by pinning The Deadman in the middle of the ring at WrestleMania 30.

The result came as such a shock, some believed that the finish had been botched as there was no way The Undertaker could lose. The fact the veteran had suffered a serious concussion during the match didn’t help matters either.

The Undertaker Opens Up About The End Of The Streak

Speaking on a documentary titled The Brothers of Destruction, looking back at the relationship between The Undertaker and Kane, the two Hall of Famers discussed the match. During the conversation, Kane asked his on-screen brother for his thoughts on the bout.

“I have to ask you this, but we get ahead to WrestleMania with you vs Brock and my reaction when I was watching that, I thought the finish got messed up, I was like, they’re going to restart the match or something. Something got screwed up. And they didn’t.

I walked out of the room. I was literally so mad about that. And I know that the streak is not something that anyone ever planned and it kind of organically evolved, but it would become part of WrestleMania lore at that point.

People came to see the Undertaker and they came to see all the stuff and then in the end, they came to see you 20 something and 0. It didn’t have the same feel when it was 21-1. What were your thoughts on that?”

In response, The Undertaker revealed that come the morning of the show he was going to win, that is until Vince McMahon changed his mind.

“I got to the arena that day and I was going over, Right. We had gone back and forth and when I showed up I was going over and through the course of the day, Vince came to me and said, he changed his mind. And I was like, okay?

I said, well, I don’t think Brock needs it, but at the end of the day, it’s your show, it’s your call.

If you’re sure about it, that’s what we’ll do. And that’s part of the business, obviously. That’s what we do. I thought there would be somebody like Roman. I think Roman would have been fine.”

Following his surprise defeat, The Undertaker wrestled five more matches at WrestleMania winning four and losing only once. In fact, the final match of his career came against AJ Styles at WrestleMania 36.

H/ to talkSPORT