Jim Ross – “Nobody Was Harder To Deal With Than The Ultimate Warrior”

Ultimate Warrior

Jim Ross has explained the most frustrating superstar he ever had to deal with throughout the legendary announcer’s WWE Hall Of Fame career.

The current voice of AEW was answering questions during a Q and A on his Grilling JR podcast. Co-host Conrad Thompson relayed questions from fans when he asked JR who he had the most trouble dealing with behind the scenes.

Jim Ross was unequivocal:

“[Ultimate] Warrior. […] Look, nobody was harder to deal with than the Ultimate Warrior in my world. There were always guys in casting or booking, and in a very subjective world, everybody can’t be the cowboy. Everybody can’t be above the title. Everybody can’t be the hero, and everybody can’t make the most money. And that’s what it’s all about.”

“Warrior was the toughest one, without a doubt—quick and easy answer. I can think of guys in my head. I can see pictures now of guys in my head. Well, it might have been a bad day, or this is, you know, whatever, but overall, you knew that anytime the Warrior was going to be in the building, be prepared for anything negative because generally, that’s what you got.”

Ross was serving as the head of talent relations in the mid-nineties when Warrior would make his shot-lived return to the company. Warrior returned at WrestleMania XII in California to defeat Hunter Hearst Helmsley in very short order. Within four months Warrior would be gone from the company.

The Ultimate Warrior was welcomed back to the WWE when he was inducted into the Hall Of Fame in 2014. Warrior would make an appearance on Raw the night after WrestleMania XXX. The very next day Warrior sadly passed away following a heart attack at the age of 54.

Credit: Grilling JR

h/t SK Wrestling for the transcription