The Musician That Macho Man Randy Savage Almost Assaulted

The Musician That Macho Man Randy Savage Almost Assaulted

Former Misfits frontman Michale Graves opened up about the band’s brief stint with WCW in 1999 and shared an intriguing backstage incident involving WWE Hall of Famer Macho Man Randy Savage.

During the interview with Michael Hodge of Faygoluvers, Graves recounted a harrowing encounter with Macho Man Randy Savage backstage. He and another bandmate found themselves cornered by an angry and intoxicated Savage. Despite the tense situation, Graves managed to keep his composure and approached Savage with respect. He acknowledged that the wrestling icon had every right to be furious and intense, recognising that Savage could have easily inflicted harm upon him.

Graves described the experience, saying:

Yeah, yes. It was terrible. There was a time at one point when me and Matt, the two smallest guys on the Misfits/GWAR tour, got cornered backstage by Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage. A very angry, drunk, Macho Man Randy Savage. I just stayed calm. I called him Mr. Man. I swear to God. I said Mr. Man, listen? and I just hoped for the best. Yeah, ya know. I can’t really speak ill of the dead. I’ve gotta be honest with you. With my run-in with Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage, that man had every right to be pi**ed off the way that he was. And every right to be as scary as he was. And if he wanted to, he coulda choked the s**t outta me. He was just awesome, you know. He was an intense guy! ‘Stay calm son’, is all I could think to myself.

The interview also touched upon the Misfits’ relationship with Vampiro and their interactions with other wrestlers during their time in WCW. It is worth noting that the band’s run with WCW eventually came to an end due to injuries, particularly when Jerry Only, another member of the Misfits, got legitimately hurt in a Steel Cage match.

Why Did WCW Sign Macho Man Randy Savage?

Recently Eric Bischoff discussed how WCW was able to sign Macho Man Randy Savage for basically free due to a unique endorsement deal, Bischoff stated that they asked Slim Jim for $750,000 for product integration and Savage’s salary was also $750,000 so the Slim Jim deal effectively paid for Savage’s salary.

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