Tyler Breeze Announces Birth Of First Child

Tyler Breeze

Congratulations to Tyler Breeze on the birth of his son!

Though no longer an on-screen talent on WWE TV, Tyler Breeze is a regular fixture on UpUpDownDown alongside Xavier Woods. On a recent UpUpDownDown stream featuring WWE 2K23, Prince Pretty revealed that he is a new father, announcing the birth of his son as he drank from a New Daddy mug.

“He Was Very Determined To Stay Awake” – Tyler Breeze On New Fatherhood

Tyler Breeze also opened up about his newfound fatherhood on the episode, detailing his son’s need for food in the middle of the night.

“He was great for my wife. He was very good and then all of a sudden it’s my turn and he wakes up at 4:15 so he’s hungry. So I feed him. He goes down, doesn’t really sleep. I’m just watching him on the monitor just kind of like, not really cry, but he’s awake and he’s doing stuff and I’m like ‘Just go to sleep, man, just go to sleep.’ And then an hour later, now it’s turned more into like ‘I’m gonna cry every two seconds.’

“So now I’m like ‘All right, well, maybe he’s hungry again.’ So I had to pick him back up and feed him again. 5:15, he’s awake for a bit. It looks like he’s falling asleep. I put him back down, watch him on the monitor. He’s kind of moving around, not really sleeping and I’m going, ‘Come on!’ So now 6:15 rolls around and I go ‘There’s no way he’s hungry again.’ There’s no way. It’s every hour? Come on, man. So I go to get him. 6:15!

“He’s doing all the queues, hungry. I’m like ‘All right, this guy’s gotta be stuffed to the brim here.’ Same thing, starts fading off and he’s like, he’s like the Terminator. Like he’s asleep. He’s asleep in my arms and going [closes eyes peacefully] and all of a sudden I go over to his crib and I put him down and the second that I put him down, he goes [Eyes bolt open.] Yeah.

“So normally, normally, normally for the past month he’s been solid. You feed him, he’s out. You’re good for like two hours. Last night, not the case. He was very determined to stay awake.”

Earlier this year, Tyler Breeze shared advice for young wrestlers and detailed what most young stars need to improve.

h/t SEScoops