Jim Ross Imagines Vince McMahon Running AEW

Vince McMahon WWE Executive Chairman

Jim Ross has pondered the question of what would life be like if his old WWE boss Vince McMahon was let loose to run AEW.

Vince McMahon has had more time on his hands since July when he stepped aside as WWE Chairman into retirement. McMahon’s shock retirement came amid investigations into alleged sexual misconduct and hush money payments made to former WWE employees.

Speaking on his Grilling JR podcast – courtesy of AdFreeShows.com – Jim Ross was asked what he thinks life would be like in AEW under the ownership of Vince McMahon and the AEW announcer reckons McMahon won’t have seen a single minute of the product:

“He probably would like less wrestling. Vince has never watched the first minute of AEW. I would venture to say he hasn’t watched the first minute of any wrestling show since he’s been gone.”

“You think he knows all about Darby Allin? Like he knows all about Orange Cassidy, right? ‘What’s an Orange Cassidy, JR?’ Somewhere along the way, you’ve got to watch these shows, you’ve got to take the time to invest in the characters. So, I don’t know that he would be able to give you a real good feel or good feedback. How would you tweak it without watching the product as sincerely, as thoroughly, as he should?”

h/t Wrestling Inc.